ICTM Grade School/Junior High Math Contest
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Algebra Contest

The ICTM Contest Committee offers an Algebra contest for junior high schools. This individual competition consists of 20 questions, to be completed in two 30 minute time periods. The top 10 individual scores from each school will count for the school total.

The contest is given in-school May 1-15. Each school sets its own testing date and time within these guidelines.

The top 10 individuals statewide and the top 10 schools statewide will receive certificates and be recognized in the ICTM Bulletin.

Contest questions reflect the NCTM Standards spirit of problem solving and encourage the use of calculators. The team competition promotes cooperation amongst students. Problems are written to challenge student thinking, leading to further appreciation and exploration of mathematics.

The registration fee for the Algebra contest is $25. Click on the registration link to the left to enter online registration.